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Bible Verses - In Difficult Times
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Table of contents
Memorize the words of the Bible often and store them up in your heart. Then they will be your “guiding star” in your difficult days.
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- 目 次 -
Table of contents
☆When you touch (click) an underlined item, the page with the corresponding scripture will open.
Lonely time
ヘブライ 13:5b~6
Hebrews 13.5b-6
When you are worried or anxious
①ヨハネ 14:27、②マタイ 6:19~21、③マタイ 6:31~33、④フィリピ 4:6~7
① John 14.27, ② Matthew 6.19-21, ③ Matthew 6.31-33, ④ Philippians 4.6-7
When faced with trials
①マタイ 26:41、②Ⅰコリント 10:12~14、③フィリピ 4:8、④ヘブライ 12:4~13
① Matthew 26.41, ② 1 Corinthians 10.12-14, ③ Philippians 4.8, ④ Hebrews 12.4-13
When you're about to give in to temptation
①Ⅰコリント 10:6~13、②ヤコブ 1:12~16
① 1 Corinthians 10.6-13, ② James 1.12-16
When you're depressed
①マタイ 10:28、②Ⅱテモテ 1:7、③ヘブライ 13:5~6
① Matthew 10.28, ② II Timothy 1.7, ③ Hebrews 13.5-6
When you are criticized or bullied
①ローマ 12:17~18,21、②Ⅰコリント 13:1~13、③エペソ 4:26
① Romans 12.17-18, 21, ② 1 Corinthians 13.1-13, ③ Ephesians 4.26
When you're disappointed and discouraged
①マタイ 5:11~12、②Ⅱコリント 4:8~9、③フィリピ 4:4~7
① Matthew 5.11-12, ② 2 Corinthians 4.8-9, ③ Philippians 4.4-7
When a friend betrays you
①ルカ 17:3~4、②ローマ 12:14,17、19,21、③Ⅱテモテ 4:16~18
① Luke 17.3-4, ② Romans 12.14, 17, 19, 21, ③ 2 Timothy 4.16-18
When your heart is filled with sadness
①マタイ 5:4、②ローマ 8:26~28、③Ⅱコリント 1:3~4
① Matthew 5.4, ② Romans 8.26-28, ③ 2 Corinthians 1.3-4
When failure or heart is blamed
①ローマ 8:31~39、②Ⅰヨハネ 1:4~9
①Romans 8.31-39, ② 1 John 1.4-9
When you need forgiveness
①ヨハネ 3:16、②Ⅰヨハネ 1:9、③エペソ 4:32、④コロサイ 3:13
① John 3.16, ② 1 John 1.9, ③ Ephesians 4.32, ④ Colossians 3.13
When you want to pray
①ルカ 11:1~13、②Ⅰヨハネ 5:14~15
① Luke 11.1-13, ② 1 John 5.14-15
When a difficult situation arises
①詩篇 18:17、②ヨシュア 1:9、③ヨハネ 14:1~4、④ヘブライ 7:25
① Psalm 18.17, ② Joshua 1.9, ③ John 14.1-4, ④ Hebrews 7.25
When you are attacked by fear
①イザヤ 41:10、②詩篇 46:2~3、③マタイ 10:28、④Ⅱテモテ 1:7、⑤ヘブライ 13:5~6
① Isaiah 41.10, ② Psalm 46.2-3, ③ Matthew 10.28, ④ 2 Timothy 1.7, ⑤ Hebrews 13.5-6
When disaster is about to strike
①ルカ 8:22~25、②Ⅱコリント12:10
①Luke 8.22-25, ② 2 Corinthians 12:10
When faced with a crisis
①イザヤ43:1~3a、②ヨナ 2:2~3、③マタイ 6:25~34、④ヘブライ 4:16
① Isaiah 43.1-3a, ② Jonah 2.1-2, ③ Matthew 6.25-34, ④ Hebrews 4.16
When you get carried away with lust
①マタイ 5:27~28、②Ⅰコリント 6:18、③Ⅱテモテ 2:22
① Matthew 5.27-28, ② 1 Corinthians 6.18, ③ 2 Timothy 2.22
When you're tired
①マタイ 11:28~30、②Ⅰコリント 15:58、③ガラテヤ 6:9~10
① Matthew 11.28-30, ② 1 Corinthians 15.58, ③ Galatians 6.9-10
When you need God's protection
①詩篇121篇、②Ⅰコリント 10:13、③フィリピ 4:19
① Psalm 121 (My Help), ② 1 Corinthians 10.13, ③ Philippians 4.19
When you want to have confidence in your faith
①ヨハネ 14:6、②使徒 16:31、③ローマ 10:9
① John 14.6, ② Acts 16.31, ③ Romans 10.9
When you need guidelines for life
ローマ 12:1~21
Romans 12.1-21
When you need guidance for making decisions
ヤコブ 1:5~6
James 1.5-6
When you are filled with gratitude
Ⅰテサロニケ 5:18
1 Thessalonians 5.18
In times of illness or pain
①マタイ 26:39、②ローマ 5:3~5、③Ⅱコリント 12:9~10、④フィリピ 4:6~7
① Matthew 26.39, ② Romans 5.3-5, ③ 2 Corinthians 12.9-10, ④ Philippians 4.6-7
When facing the abyss of death or despair
①詩篇 23:4、②ヨハネ 11:25、②ローマ 8:38~39
①Psalm 23.4, ② John 11.25, ③ Romans 8.38-39
When you need peace
①ヨハネ 14:1~4、②ヨハネ 16:33、③フィリピ 4:6~7
① John 14.1-4, ② John 16.33, ③ Philippians 4.6-7
When you want to know the essence of love
①ヨハネ 13:34~35、②Ⅰコリント 13:1~13、③Ⅰヨハネ 3:1、④Ⅰヨハネ 3:11、⑤Ⅰヨハネ 4:7,10,19
① John 13.34-35, ②1 Corinthians 13.1-13, ③1 John 3.1, ④1 John 3.11, ⑤1 John 4.7, 10, 19
When you want to show respect
①テトス 2:7、②ヘブライ 12:28
①Titus 2.7, ②Hebrews 12.28
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This page contains Old Testament words added to the Bible words featured in ``Bible Words That Will Help You'' posted on the Japan International Gideon Society website. In addition, I have attached an English translation of the page, and have also cited the Japan Bible Society Intercofessional Version as the Japanese translation of the Bible text, and the NRSV as the English translation of the Bible text.
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